Eclipse Eye Publications

In this section you will learn why certain manuscripts have been deemed "Flash-Fiction", "Short Stories", "Novelettes", "Novellas" and "Novels".  You will also learn about the editorial process of the manuscripts and the commitment and time and dedication these works have gone through in order to make the reading process as enjoyable as possible for the reader. (Regardless if the manuscript is free or not.)

We follow the general publisher's guidelines of "word count" when it comes to determining the category of a written piece.  It is important to categorize as authentically as possible so the reader understands what type of document they will be reading.  

Here are our guidelines 

Flash Fiction:  6 words to 1,000    Short Story: 1,500 to 7,000  

Novelette:7,500 words to 30,000   Novella: 30,000 to 35,000 

Novel: 40,000 and up!

Editorial assistance:

Regarding the actual document itself, not the storytelling or artist's language. 

All manuscripts available for download (or print) have gone through hours' worth of editorial assistance. (Sometimes days, upon days, upon days' worth).  We stand by our clean documents, though, we know full well there is no such thing as a perfect document. We try our very best to give the reader the cleanest, best, experience we can. We are proud of our documents and the hours upon hours of work behind them.  Every two years after release, all documents are reevaluated and if there are any correctable mistakes, they will be corrected in the later edition which is our publishing standard.  

Copyright. All rights reserved. Nicholas Camarena.  2024
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